My name is Carol Pedley
and I was born and raised here in Maine. I have always had a great
love and respect for animals all of my life and was always "finding"
some pet to drag home as a child. At times I think my Mom would
get pretty discouraged with me--- especially when I brought home a
hamster-- which she considered to be the same as a mouse in her
eyes---something to be feared and hated!!! I thought he was pretty
I had a few cats as pets
when I was growing up but like most people didn't really know a
lot about them. In 1969 I acquired two black longhaired kittens
with polydactyl feet from a baby-sitter's mother. These were just
House Hold Pets (HHPs), but they were very lovely and smart cats.
I named the male "Trouble";
he grew to about twenty pounds as an adult. I named the female "Cinder"
for her blackness. I had never heard of cat clubs or shows at that
time, but I had a friend who belonged to the local cat club and
they were having a HHP Cat Show and she talked me into showing
Trouble. I thought it would be fun for my children and myself so I
entered him. Trouble did very well and was quite a hit.
After that show, Nancy
talked me into doing a big 4 ring all-breed show with Trouble.
Back then ACA ( the American Cat Association) was very big here in
New England and I did enter him in one of their shows. Again he
did very well. The judges loved him and marveled over his huge
polydactyl feet. Through these shows I met Liz Bicknell who had
Abnaki Cattery and she introduced me to purebred Maine Coons. I
absolutely loved them and still do.
To my surprise they were
just the same type of cats my grandmother, way up in northern
Maine, had when I was a small child. I bought my first three cats
from Liz and she introduced me to the "how to" of
obtaining and registering of foundation cats. I registered my
cattery in 1971 and started showing my first purebred Maine Coon
-- " Abnaki Mr. Bo Jangles of Le Beau Minu "--- a blue
classic tabby. He was lovely and he did well for me; but back then
Maine Coons didn't stand much chance to Grand or to even make many
Time went on and I
obtained several foundation line cats which I implemented into my
breeding program. I met my husband Tom in 1972 and we married in
1973. Tom joined me in showing the cats and has become a better
mid-wife than I at times--- plus he is apt to spoil the kitties
more than I do. The children helped out a lot in those days---
helping to feed and care for and always to socialize. Then they
grew up and went on with their lives.
My oldest granddaughter,
Alyson, has done many shows with me and shares my love for the
cats. When Tom could no longer go to shows due to his job Alyson
went with me a lot. I think I have bred almost every color there
is over the years. However, now I keep a limited number cats and
breed primarily for brown , red, silver , cameo tabbies and
torbies with and without white. I occasionally get black smokes,
smoke torties, and blue tabbies with or without white.

TGC Le Beau Minu Yankee Doodle Dandy
Eleven years after I
started my cattery, I bred a lovely brown tabby w/white boy that I
came very close to selling as a pet. I fell in love with him and
the more I looked at him the less I wanted to sell him. Tom talked
me into keeping him--- it didn't take too much twisting of my
arm!!! I named him Le Beau Minu Yankee Doodle Dandy and I showed
him in CFF (Cat Fanciers Federation),CFA (Cat Fanciers
Association), and TICA (The International Cat Association) in the
following two seasons.
He was Best MC in CFF
two seasons in a row, had Master Granded by the second season and
wound up as Third best Cat National and Eastern for that second
season. He also made MCBFA (Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers
Association) and Cat's Magazine awards. He Granded in both CFA and

12 Week Old Kittens (Le Beau Minu
Rhapsody In Blue - Ch. Essiecoons Sasafras)

My granddaughter, Alyson with her kitten "Le
Beau Minu Johnny Walker Red"
at the end of the UMCCA cat show
in Bath, ME on October 16th, 2005!